Family Life
I often wonder as I have gotten older, and having my own things to do on the weekend with friends from work, from church from university and other social groups how much more time is dedicated to spending it with other people/associates/friends and acquaintances and not my own family... :( Oh how I miss just hanging out with my parents on the weekends and following them to do the groceries for the week, doing my Saturday chores, going with them to my Saturday morning sports games, going to the vegetable markets, or going to the park..
My weekend time has turned from family to friend time.. which has started to worry me for the last couple of months.... (is this normal for a 23year old?) do my parents miss me or are they happy now they can do their own things free from dragging me and my brother and sisters around.
BUT in all seriousness...I really do miss that quality time with my parentals. So I have come to the conclusion of bringing all my friends home to hang out with my family. This does have its perks ...
1. I get to see them all at the same time (two birds with one stone theory),
2. my parents get to know who my friends are,
3. most of all they get to know who I am dating,
4. I don't have to spend any money going out and buying food because its way more fun cooking up a storm with whatever mum and dad has in the kitchen, and
5. its fun just at home chilling in your weekend clothes...
Now the downsides.. haven't seen many downsides to it other than that when your friends do get comfortable at your place they may not want to leave... hahaha which can be good or bad depending on who they are...
Bringing them together has been the best of both worlds!!! Maybe its just the people pleasing syndrome in me wanting to make all parties happy. But this doesn't have to be a weekly affair.. its just been nice the last 2weeks so thought I would share :D
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