Elder Ahokava - Nashville Tennessee

19th March 2013

This week been a good week been a lot of an Alma 5 experience with where im currently at on my mission a lot of questions that i have reflected on coming into the 2nd half of the mission. I thought that it was pretty cool that when you feel that your doing good and that there is nothing to work on that is the time when you need a lot to work on. I thought about the atonement and how could i make it a more meaningful and personal thing that its not just something that he did in the garden of Gethsemane and when it ended on the cross, but how could all those change my perspective in missionary work and life. I went through my patriarchal  blessing and I highlighted the things i needed to do on my part and im working on those each week to see how i can grow. Its been so fun seeing how we can become a better person each day. " There are two types of people in life, those who choose to act or those who choose to be acted upon" ... word... 

1st March 2013

"the past week has been so amazing, its pretty cool to see how much you can learn when you seek Gods hands in the very detail in our lives. I beared my testimony at a southern  Pentecostal church and got a few amens and stuff but its cool how there are many people who have such strong faith in Christ and we can offer more that will be recognized not just on earth but also in the next life. its been great trails are hard but awesome learning experiences!. Was reading faith in the bible dictionary and i came across this which i thought was pretty sweet "Where there is true faith there are miracles, visions, dreams, healings, and all the gifts of God that He gives to His saints"." ELDER AHOKAVA

February 2013 

Elder Ahokava in the Swahili Program Shikamoo!!


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